Pyramid Hill | |
Distance: 9.5 Km | |
Duration: 4.5 hours | |
Diff.: | |
Scn.: |
Start: Village bus NR84, from On Luk Street by Ma On Shan MTR, get off at Ma On Shan BBQ site.
End: Bus 99 to Sai Kung or Wu Kai Sha, 299X to Sha Tin Railway Station
Climbing up Pyramid Hill would slightly clamber!
At Ngong Ping, you could follow MacLehose Trail southward to the junction at M083 signpost, then take the left fork down to Tai Shui Tseng and go to Sai Kung by minibus 3
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Ma On Shan Barbecue site
From Ma On Shan Barbecue Site, follow the road ahead (also Ma On Shan Country Trail). Along the way, the hill ranges of Ma On Shan and linked Tiu Shau Ngam are towering on the left, like a wide natural screen. Heading the road before the uphill section, take the right path at the junction that leads to the minibus terminal.
If getting off at the minibus terminal, you could skip that section.
Ngong Ping
The trail starts the short flight of steps up beside the minibus terminal (the carpark), then follows the road with gentle ascent. After joining the muddy path, you could gradually hear the gurgle of the brook. Along the way, it slowly winds up under the shade of trees in the peaceful country setting. Up to the junction by the pavilion, take the right fork to follow MacLehose Trail toward the direction of Tai Shui Tseng. Heading not far, the Pyramid Hill is just behind you. Passing through the signpost of M082, it soon comes to the tableland of Ngong Ping. By taking the left side path through the grassland to the end of the upland, you could overlook the full view on Sai Kung Town and its coast, and even look far to the west dam of High Island Reservoir indistinctly.
Branch: If not to climb Pynamid Hill, you could follow MacLehost Trail to Shui Long Wo according to the direction of Kei Ling Ha by taking the left fork at the junction beside the pavilion.
Pyramid Hill
From the grassland, follow the left obvious path toward Pyramid Hill ahead. It begins an gentle ascent with loose gravel a little, and gradually turns steep that would clamber up. After the steep climb, it comes to the hilltop. Looking around, it offers a distance view westard to Fo Tan and Tolo Harbour as well as Sai Kung Town in the opposite side. Toward the north, the lofty hill of Ma On Shan is just towering in your front. Afterward, follow the path ahead downhill, it is narrow but not too steep.
Note: Climbing Pynamid Hill would slightly clamber!
Exit: From the tableland of Ngong Ping, you could continue on along the MacLehost Trail to head to the junction (signpost of M083), take the left fork to Tai Shui Tseng, where could take minibus to Sai Kung Town.
Chuk Yeung Road
After the downhill from Pynamid Hill, join MacLehose Trail to the right. It winds along the hillside undulately that approachs to the hillfoot of Ma On Shan. Heading to the junction, still follow MacLehose Trail on the right according to the signpost (going forward could climb Ma On Shan). It gradually descends. Looking up on the left along the way, the jagged cluster of the cliffy saddle along the crest of Ma On Shan could be seen.
Afterward, it starts a long flight of stone steps. During the downhill, it gives a splendid view on Three Fathoms Cove and the rolling mountain seen over western Sai Kung. Down to the wooded path, trace it to the right. Head to the junction (M074), then take the left fork (right to Nam Shan Tsuen). Along the trail, it cuts through the bamboo forest. Heading to Wong Yeung Chuk, it joins Chuk Yeung Road. Follow it to the right, then turn right down at the junction in front of the transmission station. Along the way, the range of Pyramid Hill and Ma On Shan could be overlooked on the right. At the next junction beside the pavilion, take the left path. After passing through Shui Long Wo Camp Site, it leads down to the signpost for barbecue site. Deviate the concrete path and take the right path at the signpost. Beyond the barbecue site, it comes to Sai Sha Road.
Related trail: Tiu Shau Ngam & Ma On Shan
From the tableland, the picturesque landscape over Sai Kung is within the sight. Climbing Pyramid Hill, it offers more stunning panoramic view. Moreover, looking far around the rolling hills and the lowland along the coast is further prominent for the unique landform of the tableland.
Last Update : 12.07.2015
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