Home \ My Routes \ Outlying Islands \ Lamma Island

Lamma Island lies in south of HK Island, with many locals and resident foreigners. The scenic path between Picnic Bay and Yung Shue Wan is a popular short trail.

Lamma Island | Yung Shue Wan | Picnic Bay - A trail for hiking in Hong Kong

Lamma Island
Distance: 5.0 Km
Duration: 1.5 hours




Start: Ferry from Central, or from Aberdeen to Picnic Bay of Lamma Island

End: Ferry from Yung Shue Wan to Central or to Aberdeen

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Picnic Bay (Sok Kwu Wan)

From the pier of Picnic Bay, the trail starts by following Sok Kwu Wan First Street to the right. Passing the seafood restaurants and shops, it comes to the Tin Hau Temple. Go forward according to the signpost for the way to Yung Shue Wan (There is also a left path that climbs Ling Kok Shan). Head the trail to the junction by the house, as the way of signpost indicated, it traces the right path along the coast with a view on the shallow inlet. On the way, you could see the two caves named Kamikaze Grottos, which is said that they was made by the Japanese army for hiding weapons. At the left path junction to Lo So Shing Beach, still go ahead. Afterward, it ascends the left path beside the house to the flat land then runs upward on the right. Further up, it offers the scenic view over Picnic Bay beneath the hill of Ling Kok Shan and the fisheries on the sea.

Related path: Ling Kok Shan

The pier of Picnic Bay

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Picnic Bay with Ling Kok Shan as a background

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A special thank to Jack Shirley for sharing the drone video

Hung Shing Yeh Beach

Pass through the recession of the hill ridge, Lamma Power Station at the north coast could be seen in the distance. Head the trail, it arrives at the pavilion on the hillside. There is a very open place to enjoy the sublime scenery. It is charmed by the indented coastline, the greenish waters and the golden sunset. Afterward, continue to follow the trail, it gently winds downward along the hillside to Hung Shing Yeh Beach. There are many peoples swimming, but the power station towering three chimneys is just a short distance off. Follow the path along the beach. Through the villages, it comes to the small town of Yung Shue Wan. After joining Yung Shue Wan Main Street, follow it to the right to the pier.

The sunshine

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The indented coast

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The villages in Picnic Bay and Yung Shue Wan still remain the country lifestyle respectively. The trail linking between them is not long with the sublime scenery over the green hills and sea along the way, suitable for a short leisure walk.

Text : Horace

Last Update : 11.10.2015


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