Lai Chi Chong | |
Distance: 14.0 Km | |
Duration: 6.0 hours | |
Diff.: | |
Scn.: |
Start: Minibus 7 from Sai Kung to Hoi Ha, get off at Pak Sha O Youth Hostel
End: Bus 99 to Sai Kung or Wo Kai Sai, 299X to Sai Kung or Sha Tin
The path to climb Kai Ma Tung is rugged, steep, cutting through thick woods, required to clamber slightly.
1. Beyond Nam Shan Tung, you could take the left fork to She Shek Au if not go to Lai Chi Chong.
2. At the pier of Lai Chi Chong or Sham Chung, you could go to Ma Nui Shui by ferry.
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Pak Sha O
The trail starts from Pak Sha O Youth Hostel at Hoi Ha Road. According to the signpost to Lai Chi Chong, it follows the concrete path on the left which is also a mountain bike trail. Along the wooded smooth path through Pak Sha O village, it soon winds alongside the brook. Further ahead, the trail gradually opens up. Overlooking to the left, Shek Uk Shan and its north slope could be seen. Head to the junction, it follows the right concrete path leading down to Lai Chi Chong. Taking the left muddy path could go to She Shek Au and Sham Chung directly.
Branch: Beyond Nam Shan Tung, you could take the left fork directly to She Shek Au if not go to Lai Chi Chong.
Lai Chi Chong and Tai Pak Kok
The concrete path slowly descends through the woods and then leads to the village of Lai Chi Chong. Passing the large open grassland on the left as a camping site, it leads to the seaside. Some of the mangroves grow lushly on the shallow shore. It is clam by overlooking over the peaceful cove and agreeable to the sea odor. Afterward, continue to follow the path. It then winds along the coast to the left to the geopark of Lai Chi Chong beside the pier.
The trail skirts along the rocky coast to the left to visit the geopark. The volcaniclastic sedimentary rock strata is the main rock type in Lai Chi Chong. Some of rocky patterns fashion an abstrast paint and some of that seem to be a large washboard on the ground, as if they were supernaturally fine craft. Afterward, heading to a cove through the 'washboard', take the left uphill path in the woods with some ribbons as a mark at its entry.
Exit: At the pier of Lai Chi Chong, you could go to Ma Nui Shui by ferry.
Branch: If not to climb Kai Ma Tung, you could retrace the way from Lai Chi Chong up to the junction, then take the main path to the right leading to She Shek Au and Sham Chung.
Kai Ma Tung
The trail passes through the woods and then ascends the steep rugged path. Up to the junction, it follows the left path. Taking the right fork could lead down to Pak Kok Chai. During the uphill you could look back the coast of Tai Pak Kok you have walked. Further up to the ridge, its slope turns gentle. Head the trail referring to the ribbons as guidance, it contours along the undulated hillsides. Along the way looking to the right, it offers the sublime scenery over the green hills and coves with greenish waters along the coast. After climbing over several hillsides, it ascends the wooded path and then steeply pushes to the top of Kai Ma Tung. At the summit, Shek Uk Shan with wide hill range is towering at the front. Afterward, follow the front path downhill towards Shek Uk Shan that there is a transmission station at the top. The trail partly covers loose gravel. Descending to She Shek Au, it joins the main path to Sham Chung.
Note: The path to climb Kai Ma Tung is rugged, steep, cutting through thick woods, required to clamber slightly.
She Shek Au
From the junction, follow the main path to the left (the way to Nam Shan Tung), not far ahead, carefully look for the obscure path on the left leading to the 'Snake Rock', which entry has a rock carved '蛇石' in chinese on the ground. Trace the obscure path down a short distance, a large rock is reclining on the left. Peering on the rock, its grains seem to be the snakes in different sizes swinging up. Further down, another large rock could be seen also. Climb down over the rock and then observe it, the vien lines look like more that several large snakes are just snaking up lively. It shows the nature to be wonderful. Afterward, return to the main path then follow it to the right.

Meet a baby snake by accident on the rock as its name
Sham Chung and Yung Shue O
Along the main path, it returns to the junction just passed before from the downhill, then goes ahead and gently descends. Passing through some abandoned old houses, it comes to the open grassland of Sham Chung. There is nestled under mountains and full of country atmosphere. The shadows of hills gradually expand on the earth. In the hazy dusk of twilight, every colour fades and everywhere turns gloomy, but the stream beside the path is still gurgling. Afterward, the trail joins the concrete path. Head it along the coast, it leads to the village of Yung Shue O. At the entrance of the village, take the right path, then follow the long road leading to Sai Sha Road at Shui Long Wo.
Exit: At the pier of Sham Chung, you could go to Ma Nui Shui by ferry.

The large patch of mangroves
By visiting geopark, it is interesting for seeing the various peculiar rocks and moreover it is surprising for observing the 'Snake Rock' as if made by the God. Mystery of the nature is limitless, studying it could always satisfy in heart.
Last Update : 04.12.2015
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